Thursday, May 22, 2014

Android Contact Backup Soft Free Download

Super Backup: SMS & Contacts is a free Android apps. Super Backup can take a backup of all of your contacts in a moment in a small, single *.vcf file. Then store this file in a secure place like Laptop. You can also import this file to your Google account very easily. It is a lightweight app of only 140KB and also supports older versions of Android OS like Gingerbread. Super Backup not only backup your contacts but also SMS, Logs and it is adding more features day by day.
To install Super Backup in your device directly; open Play Store apps of your device and search for Super Backup: SMS & Contacts or Super Backup and install the free version. Or, download the .apk file from the link below and then install it in your device.
Click to Download
Installation done; Open Super Backup. Go to the Contacts tab. Tap the Backup button.
Here, put a name for the backup file.
Then the app is creating the backup file from your contacts in .vcf format.
At last it will show a confirmation message.
Now you will find the file in SmsContactsBackup folder in the SD card.
Tap on the backup file and it will show options to import these contacts to your Google account, connected to that device.

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